Soft law for institutional investors

1. May 2013

aktioaere2In an article published in the journal GesKR (Gesellschafts- und Kapitalmarktrecht), Andreas Binder and Roman Gutzwiller discuss the “Guidelines for institutional investors governing the exercising of participation rights in public limited companies“. Alongside the UK, Switzerland is one of the very few countries that have produced a code for institutional investors. It is also interesting to note that the Guidelines are very broadly supported. The next step that needs to be taken is to turn the Guidelines into a set of formal regulations, but this will only be possible if as many investors as possible undertake a commitment to abide by them.

Source: Andreas Binder and Roman S. Gutzwiller (2013). Soft Law für institutionelle Investoren (Soft law for institutional investors). GesKR 1/2013, pp. 84 ff. (Download article as PDF).