The following organisations acknowledge the principle of “comply or explain” in the context of the Guidelines. Any practices that deviate from the Guidelines have to be substantiated. The reservations or comments that have been declared concerning the Guidelines may be viewed via the following links. In addition, the organisations publish their patronage on their website and in the annual report.
- de Pury Pictet Turrettini & Cie SA, Genève
- Ethos, Genève
- SWIPRA – Swiss Proxy Advisor, Zürich
- zCapital AG, Zug
Becoming a patron
Organisations may formally declare their recognition of the Guidelines by completing the following form. They will then be listed on this website as patrons. The organisations publish their patronage on their website and in the annual report. Any practices that deviate from the Guidelines and/or other comments should be entered in the “Reservations / comments” field.