Editorial team
Members of the economiesuisse working group
- Prof. em. Dr. Peter Böckli, Böckli Bodmer & Partner
- Michèle Burger, General Counsel Corporate Nestlé Ltd.
- David Frick, member of the Executive Board of Nestlé Ltd. and president of the economiesuisse Commission for Legal Affairs
- Prof. em. Dr. Peter Forstmoser, Niederer Kraft & Frey Ltd.
- Prof. Dr. Karl Hofstetter, Group General Counsel and member of the Board of Directors of Schindler Holding Ltd.
- Christian Stiefel (lawyer), Director of SwissHoldings
- Dr. Meinrad Vetter, Deputy Head of Competition & Regulation economiesuisse
- PD Dr. Christoph Winzeler, member of the Executive Board of the Swiss Bankers Association
Representatives of institutional investors and proxy advisers
- Dr. Dominique Biedermann, Director of Ethos – Swiss Foundation for Sustainable Development
- Christoph Ryter, President of ASIP, Swiss Association of Pension Fund Providers
- Dr. Markus Steiner, former CEO of UBS Fund Management (Switzerland) Ltd. and head of Legal & Compliance Committee SFA
Legal & Compliance SFA
- Christoph Zimmermann, Senior Manager External Investments Swiss Federal Social Security Funds OAI/II/IC
The activities of the above were supported by a group of experts on corporate governance, which comprised representatives from economiesuisse as well as other representatives of institutional investors and proxy advisers.
This publication is available in German, French and English
Design and production: dast Visuelle Kommunikation, Zurich
Printed by: Offset Holend, Zürich
Website: Sam Krieg
Date of publication: 21 January 2013